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Clitherall 56-0238-00

Lake Information

MN Lake ID: 56-0238-00
County: Otter Tail
Ecoregion: NCHF
Major Drainage Basin: RD
Latitude/Longitude: 46.2625 / -95.64611111
Years Monitored: 1996 - 2024
Monitored Sites: 206
Physical Characteristics

Surface area (acres): 2493
Littoral area (acres): 805
% Littoral area:
Max depth (ft): 70
Max depth (m):
Mean depth (ft): N/A
Watershed size (acres): N/A
Aquatic Invasive Species:
MPCA Assessment Report
Search County Monthly Precipitation Data
MN DNR Watershed Health Assessment Framework
View MN DNR Fisheries Report
View MN DNR Lake Level Report

Water Quality Characteristics
(data from RMB monitoring database only)
Parameters Primary Site

Total Phosphorus Mean: 11.2
Total Phosphorus Min: 2.5
Total Phosphorus Max: 25
Number of Observations:

Chlorophyll-a Mean:
Chlorophyll-a Min:
Chlorophyll-a Max:
Number of Observations:

Secchi Depth Mean:
Secchi Depth Min:
Secchi Depth Max:
Number of Observations: 192

Trophic State Index Mean: 40.3

Trophic State: Mesotrophic

For detecting trends, a minimum of 8-10 years of data with four or more readings per season is recommended by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Where data does not meet these criteria, trends can be misidentified because there are many factors that affect water quality naturally.
Trend analysis does not take into consideration aquatic invasive species. Species like zebra mussels can alter water chemistry over time.
The data was analyzed using the Mann Kendall statistical analysis. Primary site only.

Years Monitored: 1996 - 2024
Total Phosphorus: Improving with 99.9% confidence.
Chlorophyll-a: No significant trend exists.
Secchi Depth: Improving with 99% confidence.
Trophic State Index: Improving with 99% confidence.
Ecoregion Comparisons
Minnesota is divided into seven ecoregions based on land use, vegetation, precipitation, and geology. The MPCA has developed average ranges of water quality expected for lakes in each ecoregion. Comparisons are based on interquartile range, 25th-75th percentile, for ecoregion reference lakes. Primary site only.

Ecoregion: NCHF
Total phosphorus: Better Than Expected Range
Chlorophyll-a: Better Than Expected Range
Secchi depth: Better Than Expected Range

RMB Environmental Laboratories, Inc. • 218-846-1465 • lakes@rmbel.info • www.rmbel.info